Alright so this might be a long as post but whatever. I'm in the dating scene you know. One thing I always manage to find in a lot of these online dating websites, specially the free ones, there's always a handful of bitches (I don't mean women) to make you look like a douche. You say hey what's up, they say hi, you start to talk, then they block you. I mean I know I'm not the most handsomest looking dude on the planet but it seems to me like a lot of people that are dating online have their minds set on perfectionism. They have an ideal man in body, mind, and personality. So when you say one thing you get axed. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'm not a picky person I mean thick or skinny, it doesn't matter as long as we got a connection... but it's hard to connect when you can't even dial up. (56k joke FAIL hahaha). Anyway here's a list of free dating sites I've found to be alright. I don't get too many hits but here and there. Imagine how women must feel with the amount of assholes out there looking for a f*ck! LMAO, enjoy!
personals.yahoo.com <-- Not entirely free
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